Chris A. Lindgren

Chris A. Lindgren

Assistant Professor of Technical Communication and Data Visualization

Virginia Tech

About Me

Hello! I study computer coding and data-driven work as rhetorical forms of communication. I’m invested in questions like How are coding and data work rhetorical practices?, How do coding and data work perpetuate or create new societal problems?, and How can we help technical professionals find value in a humanities perspective on their practices?

Some of my past research has studied how capitalistic rhetoric has impacted calls for coding as the new mass literacy of our time. Overall, my research, teaching, and community-outreach projects take up a design justice approach to digital communication.

  • critical code and data studies
  • data processing, analysis, and visualization
  • visual rhetoric
  • coding literacy
  • designing communication for justice



All Publications

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(2023). Decolonizing Community-engaged Research: Designing CER with Cultural Humility as a Foundational Value. Communication Design Quarterly.


(2022). Building an Infrastructural Praxis: Understanding Twitter's embeddedness in the U.S.-Mexico Border. Building an Infrastructural Praxis: Understanding Twitter’s Embeddedness in the U.S.-Mexico Border. Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric. Special Issue: Language, Access, and Power in Technical Communication.

PDF Article

(2021). "Hello, Is This the Writing Center?": Illicit Paper Mill Activity and the Compromised Recomposition of College and University Websites. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.

Open-Access Article

(2021). Writing With Data: A Study of Coding on a Data-Journalism Team. In Written Communication.


(2021). Facts Upon Delivery: What Is Rhetorical About Visualized Models?. In Journal of Business and Technical Communication.


(2019). Representing Diversity in Digital Research: Digital Feminist Ethics and Resisting Dominant Normatives. In Proceedings of the Annual Computers & Writing Conference, 2018.

PDF Collection

(2015). Using Digital Labs to Build Smarter Computing Cultures. In Rhetoric and Digital Humanities.

PDF Collection

(2015). Utopian Laptop Initiatives: From Technological Deism to Object-Oriented Rhetoric. In Writing Posthumanism, Posthuman Writing.


(2015). Responding to the Coding Crisis: From Code Year to Computational Literacy. In Strategic Discourse: The Politics of (New) Literacy Crises.




Proficiency with specialization in data processing and analysis

Data Visualization

Proficiency across data visualization techniques, ranging in environments such as Google Sheets, Observable Notebooks, and Python

Web Accessibility

Proficiency in HTML5/ARIA web accessibility techniques

Content Design and Strategy

Proficiency in auditing, assessing, and developing web content strategies for large organizations


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